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Accepting People in Christ is Love

Have you ever felt God speaking to you through small things that we see every day? Like the flowers, the birds, the colorful sky, the mountains, the valleys…. The list goes on and on.

We saw this sticker that said, “Accepting people in Christ is Love.” This spoke volumes to us and we were able to relate this to the South Asia Access ministry in the Indian villages.

South Asia Access looks at people with disabilities and HIV/AIDS as an indispensable part of God’s great big family who deserve to live a life of independence and with dignity.

We come across children, men, women and families of different castes, creeds, colors, religions and economic strata. Some families we visit live in awful conditions, some are lucky to have strong walls and a door, some live in constant fear, while some are even luckier to have better living facilities.  No matter where they live or how they look, accepting them in Christ makes all the difference. Because all of them are deprived of acceptance as they are. But with Christ’s constant love and acceptance, then the transformation begins!

Dear reader, here is an opportunity to share His love to children with special needs, who need to be sponsored. With just $35 each month ($420 yearly), you can give these children a chance to reach their full potential – equip them to attend school, play with others, be included in their communities and get access to specialized resources and care, thus easing the challenges for families and caregivers. You can be the reason for their transformation!!!  Click here to sponsor one of the below children.

Somesh, a 6-year-old, needs speech therapy. Click here to know more about him.

Leena is 8 and has physical and learning disabilities. She needs medical intervention and educational assistance. Click here to know more about her

Anil, 4, has a developmental delay. He needs physical therapy and livelihood interventions for the family. Click here to know more about him.

Rohan is 7 with Down’s syndrome. He needs special education with speech therapy. Click here to know more about him.

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