News in Brief
Jessica Virk, from Seattle’s Philadelphia Church, visited the South Asia Access (SAA) center from February 28 to March 3.
It was a great time getting to know her and her inspiring testimony. She gelled well with the Indian culture, people and the youth with disabilities at the center. She visited three of our target villages, helping her gather firsthand information about the work at the grassroot level.
Even though language was a barrier, she could connect with their struggles and emotions. Jessica rejoiced with them in their newfound faith in Christ, in the holistic transformations in their lives, as well as in their families and communities.
South Asia Access also had lunch with Punjabi ladies who are secret believers, which was even more encouraging. It helped not only to understand their struggles of knowing Christ but also encouraged them to pray for each other that through the struggles, oppositions and rejections, Christ will be glorified.
Prayer Requests
Pray for the “Summer Camp” and “Vacation Courses” that will be conducted at the South Asia Access center in April and May for students with disabilities and/or their siblings for short-term courses in conversational English and basic computer use.
Pray for the 9 new house churches established. Pray that they grow in word, prayer and deed, reflecting the beauty of Christ around them.
Pray for good rains this year, as the communities we work with depend on rains for their income. 80% of them will be unemployed if the rains do not come on time.
Pray for all our training and empowerment programs in 43 villages.
Pray for all South Asia Access field staff, as they travel long distances in scorching summer heat. Pray for their good health, harmony and coordination among them.